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To Discover The Peace Process!

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This is the same Peace Process I use with my best clients to help them get to FAST (and permanent) peace about ANY situation, big or small.

If you’re a coach, healer, or consultant, you can use this technique with YOUR clients.

I can’t wait to show you how powerful this is for removing fears, limiting beliefs, and trapped emotions. These can slow down, block, and even stop your dreams from ever becoming reality.

Use the Peace Process as soon as possible to enjoy the incredible results.

Want to Become a Highly Paid, Highly Sought After Coach?

If “yes”, then join me for a FREE LIVE call called “The Future Of Coaching: Megatrends In The Coaching Industry” on July 21st, 2022 at 10am PT | 1pm ET.

You’ll discover …

and much, much more.

Simply enter your name and best email below. I’ll send the call details immediately to you.


With all the love in my heart,


ps. You’re welcome to ‘be a hero’ and share it with family and friends who may need it so that they, too, can benefit.

© 2021. Christian Mickelsen. All rights reserved. * Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.
Future Force, Miami, Florida 33130 USA