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Get Your Free Ticket To Instant Miracle Mastery And Master The 4 Powerful Healing Techniques So You Can Change The Lives Of Your Friends, Family, And Even High Paying Clients

Discover what it feels like to coach in a way that’s so powerful, your ideal, high end clients will send you everyone they know.


I’ll keep this short and sweet.

I’m hosting a massive event on December 4-7, 2024. It’s called Instant Miracle™ Mastery, and it’s filling up fast.

Because you’re seeing this page, you’re one of our special VIPs who are entitled to a free ticket to this amazing event.

During this event, I’m going to do a deep dive into the following healing techniques that’ll turn you into an extraordinary coach:

  • The Peace Process, which will help you quickly resolve any issue or hang-up, in any context, no matter how resistant they are to it at first
  • Muscle Testing, where you can instantly get to the Truth underneath a client’s story so you can quickly eliminate their inner blocks
  • The Instant Miracle Technique, which will help you instantly release the inner blocks that are sabotaging your client’s attempts to change their lives
  • High-Frequency Energy Healing, where you can quickly relieve life-long blocks and patterns of self-sabotage in your clients

The best part is you’ll leave this event as a Certified Instant Miracle™ Coach. You can use that certification to promote yourself and become one of the very best coaches in the world with the confidence and certainty to attract high end clients practically on demand.

Plus, you’ll be able to blast through anything that’s stopping you from accumulating massive amounts of wealth, health, inner peace and happiness.

This is a $10,000-per-head event, but you can go for FREE since you’re one of our valued VIPs.

So, register now and take advantage of this awesome perk!

© 2024. Christian Mickelsen. All rights reserved. Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.
Future Force, Chicago, Illinois 60611 USA

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