Check your inbox for an email that says: “[IMA] Congrats on joining Instant Miracle Ascension!”. If you don't see it, remember to check Promotions and other folders.
With Instant Miracle Ascension, you'll experience incredible levels of confidence, competence, and certainty in every area of your life.
As a member, you'll gain access to a wealth of valuable resources:
Monthly Training and Healing Sessions with Christian Mickelsen, where you'll master the IM techniques in love, time, and money.
Monthly Practice Sessions with fellow IMM'ers, providing support and guidance as you overcome your biggest challenges at lightning speed.
A curated selection of the best healing sessions with Christian Mickelsen and his clients through the Healing Video of the Month.
Monthly IM Sessions, enabling growth in abundance, self-love, money, relationships, health, and more.
Check your inbox for more details about the program.
Share in our IMM Facebook Group how you think this membership will help you accelerate your way to empowering yourself, and better serving your clients.
Keep an eye on your inbox, as now you are part of my VIP list where I share more insights, videos, and even opportunities to get tailored coaching from me & my team.
I look forward to witnessing your continued success!
With all the love in my heart,
© 2024. Christian Mickelsen. All rights reserved. Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.
Future Force, Chicago, Illinois 60611 USA